
Image of thoughtfully smiling woman in black pullover on stripy sofa
Founding Director Hannah Wadle, 2023

Dear Friend and Visitor,

As Founding Director I warmly welcome you to FairerTales, a place of imagination and possibilities. With one foot in the ivory tower, one in the arts, another one in the civil sector and the fourth in the industry, FairerTales is four-legged creature, free to grow and transcend boundaries and restrictions.

Transcending and transgressing worlds is our own method to retain a level of freedom and independence. FairerTales follows the desire to listen, to create, to transform, to tell stories, to inspire, to look beyond and go deeper. Expect FairerTales to be visionary but humble about the future, heartwarming yet brutally honest when it comes to research outcomes. 

We are open to collaborate with commercial and non-commercial partners and are able to deliver work on different scales. What counts for us is the social value and the transformative potential of the project and the integrity of the partner.


I founded FairerTales in 2016 to combine my love for artistic experimentation, passion for research and innovation, and dreams of global solidarity.  I lived in the UK then, had just completed my PhD in Social Anthropology and worked for the University of Manchester and a minority organisation in Manchester.

#Researcher Development #Urban Hyperdiversity The first fruits of FairerTales came in the fields of Higher Education Policy and community engagement in Greater Manchester/Salford. In this time, I prototyped creative pedagogies for living in a hyperdiverse city and strategies to structurally empower early career researchers at UK universities. My work was based on ethnographic research paired with artistic practice, community engagement, and policy work.

# Heritage Festival Following my doctoral research on tourism and heritage in Northeast Poland and thanks to the work experience gathered in the UK, I founded a transnational cultural festival at an emerging heritage site in Sztynort, Poland. The goal of the Festival is to celebrate the palace and bring the diverse heritage community closer together through shared creative activities, cultural experiences, storytelling and debate. The annual STN:ORT Festival has been running without interruption since 2017.

# VR/ XR Film In 2018, I met writer and director Jakub Mainski, with whom I shared the curiosity for XR and interest in the history of East Prussia. In 2019/20 FairerTales produced his film “Sztynort 1935” with a German-Polish professional cast in VR in the old palace of Sztynort. The film is an uncomfortable encounter with legal racism and supremacy thinking in the eve of the ratification of the Nuremberg Racial Laws.  It it one of the first full-length VR films world-wide and the first German-Polish production of that kind. We toured the film in Poland and Germany.

# Personal Journey I moved to Poland in 2019 to take up a position at the Department of Anthropology and Ethnology in Poznan and I moved FairerTales to Poland, also. Meanwhile, I finished a postgraduate degree as international Creative Producer at the National Filmschool in Łódź. I also started to learn Persian and Arabic.

# Emerging Social Science Jobs Reborn in Poland, FairerTales has also started to become a bridge between the university and the job market, preparing students with masterclasses in practical skills, such as in UX, ESG, or cultural management. We are also actively seeking collaborations with interested companies, who seek thought provoking, transformative training for their team members.

# Interview Boutique In summer 2023, we video-interviewed the internationally renowned textile artist Anneliese Konrat-Stalschus in Berlin/ DE, and the groundbreaking photographers, cultural and social activists Zacharie Ngnogue and Chantal Edie in Douala/ CM.

# Partners Among our present and past partners and clients are the University of Manchester, the Embassy of the German Federal Republic in Warsaw, Walk The Plank – National Portfolio Organisation of the Arts Council England, Costa Book Award Winner Jack Fairweather. We are looking forward to starting a new conversation with you.